Welcome to Lessons in Speech! I'm Nanette Cote, published author and creator of this site and blog. Thanks for visiting to learn more about supporting your child's functional communication!
Nearly 25 years ago, I packed my car to the brim and drove from Rhode Island to Illinois for a position as a speech and language assistant in the Aurora Public School District. I quickly fell in love with the Midwest and within months was accepted into the Communication Disorders graduate program at Northern Illinois University for speech pathology. My passion for this profession has only grown by leaps and bounds since my adventure as a speech therapist began and I cannot envision myself doing anything else.
For much of my career, I worked in early intervention programs where I witnessed many benefits to direct contact with parents and caregivers as clients made dramatic gains in their communication skills. This experience laid the foundation for the kind of therapist I am today: one who believes that family involvement and participation is essential and necessary for a child’s progress. As a private practice speech therapist, I empower my families by answering questions, sometimes before anyone has a chance to ask one. Knowledge is power and comprehension for treatment programming leads to communicative gains.
Becoming a mom to a sweet boy and aunt of a niece with Down Syndrome also shaped me as a therapist as I discovered just how much caregivers have on their plates. As a result, my treatment planning and homework assignments are both fun and functional. I work to create interventions that can easily be implemented into families' busy, daily routines.
In 2018, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and he succumbed to his battle in June 2024. Stepping out of my pediatric comfort zone, I self-educated through continuing education programs for LSVT, SPEAK OUT!, and respiratory exercises. I am sharing this information on my website to help others with Parkinson's improve their quality of life.
Over the last couple of decades, I have developed my skillset in working with children who have autism, apraxia, Down Syndrome, and developmental speech delays. I have advanced training in several, evidenced-based approaches including Picture Exchange Communication (PECS), PROMPT, and Dynamic Tactile and Temporal Cueing (DTTC). In addition, I have hours of continuing education training in phonological therapy, oral placement, feeding, stuttering, teletherapy, and speech-generating devices. I have presented on improving articulation of the R sound at a National Speech and Language Convention for the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA); been recognized in my industry’s monthly magazine, the ASHA Leader, in a featured article on speech and language pool groups and two spotlight posts Simple and Soapy and Snow Sense; and appeared on two Chicago networks to review results of a study on technology and young children.
In June 2019, I launched my first book on Amazon: We Talk on Water- Guide for Developing and Orchestrating Speech and Language Pool Groups. This resource was the result of years of experience in creating social opportunities at the pool for young children of all abilities. Since 2003, I have offered this service delivery model through early intervention and in the summer at my private practice, Naperville Therapediatrics. Implementing these speech and language pool groups rekindles my passion for my profession and brings me as much joy as I see on my participant’s faces.