Insights from a Speech Pathologist: Cherishing Simple Moments

Connecting through Blogging

As a speech pathologist, I love blogging for networking, learning, and creative energy from peers across the United States. Their passion is assuredly contagious and their lesson plans have given me the ability to become a better therapist. My therapy approach is fun and functional, ensuring kids enjoy learning communication and life skills. Handcrafted materials acquired from peers empower my therapy approach and enable me to wear multiple hats. Let’s explore my personal life.

Finding a Work-Life Balance as a Speech Pathologist

Rocks balancing at the beach representing finding a good work-life balance as a speech pathologist

Besides having this rewarding career for nearly three decades, I live a blessed life as a wife and mom in Naperville, Illinois.  I can honestly say that in all my years of practice, which I incidentally began as a speech-language assistant, I have never once questioned my career choice. I consider myself so lucky to be part of such a rewarding field.  

Working privately gives me the luxury to be an important part of my son’s life. Our days are busy and I’m sure I’m not alone in this type of lifestyle. I was under this misguided impression that as I got older, things would slow down a bit. I could tell you how important it is to “seize the day”, but I’m sure you already know that given the times we are living in now. Instead, I will share my realistic approach to this motto: Stop and smile.

Nanette Cote, speech pathologist with her young son and Goofy at Disney World

Stop and Smile

One day, when my son was around 8 years old, as we hurried downstairs, I paused at intervals to smile at him, cherishing our brief connections. We carried on like that for years. Simple, right? I encourage you to find someone in your life to stop and smile with every so often. Think about it, it may only take a couple minutes a year to brighten someone’s days. 

In my journey as a therapist, I’ve found immense inspiration from fellow professionals across the U.S. Their creativity and dedication fuel my practice. With a fun and functional therapy approach, I aim to make learning enjoyable for children. While I wear many hats in my professional life, my roles as a wife and mom bring me the greatest joy. Privately practicing allows me to cherish moments with my son, underscoring the importance of seizing each day. One simple yet profound lesson I’ve learned is the power of stopping to share a smile. Cherishing those brief connections enriches our lives immeasurably. So, let’s all take a moment to spread a little brightness wherever we go.

1 thought on “Insights from a Speech Pathologist: Cherishing Simple Moments”

  1. This post really touched me. My son is 8-years-old, too, and I am also in private practice for the same reasons you are-to have a flexible schedule so I can do things with and for him. I love my job, but God and my family are what matter the most to me. Thank you for this-it made me "stop and smile!"

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